Sound Off
Circuit Breaker Activated: -% drop from daily high (UTC)
[- minute pause in trading]

Initial Supply: 50,000 Trillion (half of SHIBA FANTOM's - no need to burn half)
Circuit Breaker pauses trading for some minutes if price falls below daily highs
4% Transaction Tax (4x SHIBA's) - Current Supply ~ - Trillion
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: You acknowledge that the tokens do not have any purpose, utility or value other than being an experiment within the crypto space. Tokens are generated for free and without any guarantee. If you unilaterally engage in the trading or speculation of the token you understand that nothing guarantees its value and developers or affiliates cannot be held liable for the losses that might arise in connection to your actions and any possible software bugs. By using the platform you acknowledge that these risks exist and that you are solely responsible for engaging with our smart contracts in the relevant blockchain. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Although tokenomics are based on Shiba Fantom, the smart contract is not based on reflect: THE TRANSACTION TAX IS SIMPLY BURNED FROM THE TRANSFER RECIPIENT WHICH WILL REDUCE SUPPLY AND INCREASE VALUE WITHOUT THE NEED FOR DIVIDENDS. FARMING COMING SOON! ADD LIQUIDITY WHILE IT IS STILL CHEAP. CLAIMING FTM REWARDS FROM STAKING LPT WILL AUTOBUY POOSHI AND RAISE THE PRICE. You may need to adjust your browser zoom unless you are using Chrome.